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  • Why is Sleeping Viking Studio in Northern Ontario instead of LA?
    Sleeping Viking Studio is a Canadian production company whose goal it is to create full time jobs for creatives in Canada. We do favor Northern Ontario folks because it makes it easier to invite the cast and crew to the homestead for a bbq during a lazy summer weekend, however we will work with anyone who shares our passion for telling amazing stories across many different kinds of media.
  • Why isn't Kenny going by his author name on Twitch?
    Kenny Wilson, Author is a children's book brand and is curated to be appropriate for the kids who read the books. When you see something under the Kenny the Viking brand, that is a general audience brand that is not necessarily curated for children. Should Kenny expand into graphic novels for general audience content, these will be penned by Kenny the Viking.
  • How can I help Sleeping Viking Studio achieve their goals to help create jobs?
    There are so many ways you can help. Read our books, watch our videos, play our games when they come, and tell your friends about it. That is the number one way you can help. We are doing this for you. As time passes, we will be adding a way you can help us raise money for projects, merch that you can wear to show off to your friends, and ways to interact with us. This is all for you, our fans.
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